I'm no stranger to owning a strange car on Canadian roads. I had owned a 1989 Nissan S-Cargo for almost 5 years, so I've had a lot of exposure to owning, driving, and parking a strangely unique car.
I had learned a lot about how to interact with people showing interest in the car, and how people react to such a unique car. So here's a few tips to help the winners, or any new owner, of a Nissan cube®...
Tips for Owning a Unique Car in Canada:
- Have fun! First priority - have fun with this vehicle. It's a funky car, and the first 3 letters of funky spells fun. Take it for a drive, pick up some friends, and have a blast.
- Don't be shy. You'll have people approaching you and asking you questions about the car. If you're shy or don't like talking to strangers, you'll have a tough time owning such a car.
- Be personable - your approach sets the tone. The first few times when I walked out of a store and saw people standing around my S-Cargo, peering into the windows, and looking puzzled, I walked up to them and politely said, "Can I help you?". They would step back, look at me, realize I was the owner, and would say something like, "No, it's okay. Just looking," then uncomfortably walk away. I thought I was polite and said it with a smile. And I was sincere about helping them. So what was wrong?
One time, I saw a couple standing next to the car, chuckling and shaking their heads in disbelief. I walked up and started off with a different question, "So what do you think of the car? Be honest." Well, they opened right up and we had a good 15-minute conversation about its features and how I acquired it.
From that point on, I'd approach people with a question that invited a more specific answer or comment, making the experience more enjoyable for everyone.
- Have more fun! It's that important. If you stop having fun with the car, it'll become just another car. Plan a day trip outside of the city with some friends. Take it someplace where no one has seen it before. Or shine it up and take it to a local Show'n'Shine for a day and meet more people, especially if you've added some aftermarket bling to it.
- Plan extra time for your outtings. It was very common for me to spend an extra 10-20 minutes with people who'd stop me when leaving the S-Cargo to go into a store, or when coming back to the S-Cargo. So add some time for your errands so you can tend to your fans.
- Know your car, and be honest. People will ask you subjective and technical questions about the car. So know engine specs, safety features, etc. And they'll ask you what's good, what's bad, what you like, and what you don't like. And be honest with your answers. You're not a salesperson - you're an experienced owner. People want to know the real scoop and will really appreciate your honesty. Let them know when the glove box is too small, or it's difficult to see or reach instrumentation, but always end on something positive or something you really like about the car so they leave with a good impression.
- Gawking hazards. People may gawk at your car. This is normally not a problem unless the person doing the gawking is also driving a car. Keep alert and aware of potential gawking drivers as you may need to perform sudden evasive maneuvers or lean on the horn to warn them of a dangerous situation... such as running a stop sign or red light, hitting a pedestrian, or other dangerous situation.
On one particular incident, the driver of the car in the lane to my right was trying to get ahead of me while leaning out the driver's window looking backwards so he could take a picture of the front of the S-Cargo... and nearly ran me into oncoming traffic.
- Enjoy the car and have fun! You'll get a lot of attention and meet more people. Enjoy every minute of it. The cube® has a similar cute-appeal as the S-Cargo. And quite frankly, the S-Cargo was a chick-magnet... more so than any high-end sports car. If you're male and single and want to meet girls, the cube® will definitely be an ice breaker. However, after the cube® breaks the ice for you, your personality better be able to stand up to the cube's® personality, or you'll be kicked to the curb.
i Llove the gawking hazards... love it... thanks for posting!
I find cars to be too stinky,ingeneral,what with the exhaust & all,but I enjoyed reading this.
Great tips! I can't wait to own a unique car too!
I posted a link to your page from mine. http://winningacube.blogspot.com
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